If this is real; it could be like something out of a James Bond movie, but with more wet noses.
Dr. June Cha
POMONA, CA — A shocking claim has rocked the world of science and dog lovers alike. After years of research, a team of fringe scientists claim to have evidence that dogs have built a secret underwater society.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
For years, we have assumed that dogs are loyal and obedient pets. However, many suggest that they may have been hiding secrets from us all along.
Rumors are circulating that dogs have built a secret civilization, far from the prying eyes of humans. While this may sound like the plot of a science fiction novel, some believe that the evidence is clear: dogs have been planning their escape from human civilization for years.
Evidence of a Secret Society
Investigators have become suspicious, and now believe they have proof, including things like:
- Several unexplained disappearances of dogs in coastal regions
- Increased sightings of dogs swimming in open water for extended periods of time
- Mysterious structures observed on the ocean floor that resemble canine architecture
Reports of barking heard emanating from underwater locations (photo: Welsh Springer Spaniel)
Experts Speak Out
Despite the growing body of evidence, many experts are skeptical of these claims. “It’s highly unlikely that dogs could have developed the technology and intelligence necessary to build a secret underwater society,” said marine biologist Dr. Pamela Kern.
Conspiracies Abound
Members of the fringe research group have also chimed in. “We always knew they were up to something…but this could be beyond our wildest dreams,” said Dr. June Cha.
Talks of the underwater society have raised many questions. How long have the dogs been keeping this a secret? What else are they hiding from us?
A Call for Transparency
Dog owners around the world are calling for transparency from their furry friends. If dogs are indeed hiding a secret society, they must come forward and reveal the truth.